By joining the Greater Boston PCA, you will have the ability to influence the collective bargaining agreement by being represented at the negotiating table. The PCA appoints seven local contractor members to a Joint Conference Board to represent management in collective bargaining and related issues.
Labor Relations
With full time staff dedicated to representing contractors with Local 12, you can look forward to first class representation in labor relations. The PCA and Local Union have enjoyed a mutually beneficial partnership that serves as an example to unions around the country.
Government Relations
The PCA employs one of the top lobbyists in Massachusetts, Tremont Strategies to represent contractors to government officials. Through the relationship with Tremont Strategies, contractors also have access to a national legislative analyst to get answers to all of your questions big or small.
The PCA offers a variety of educational classes for business owners and their staff. Classes range from Continuing Education to Succession Planning, Technology advancements, Contract Law and much more. Classes are schedule and booked based on the needs of the membership.
Events and Networking
The PCA hosts events to help contractors learn and improve their businesses. Networking opportunities can provide immeasurable advantages to your business. Between Monthly Meetings and annual events, you will have a chance to meet contractors of all sizes and specialties in the Boston area, as well as all of our loyal vendor partners.
National Association Membership
Through membership with the PCA, you will receive a membership with the Mechanical Contractors Association of America. The MCAA provides world class research, best practices and other resources to ensure your business has all the answers at your fingertips.
Through the PCA’s scholarship fund, more than $75,000 in scholarships are awarded to children of employees of member firms. Through increased efforts at the scholarship fund, the PCA has created an endowment fund to benefit future students to come.