On this page, you will find all of the announcements and updates regarding the Association and plumbing industry.  Be sure to check back often as the Association is busy representing contractors on labor relations, legislation, providing education, hosting networking events and much more.

UPDATE: Housing Market, 2014

Last week the BOSTON GLOBE ran an informative article about the future of the local housing market. Will the rapid rise in sales and prices

Martin Walsh’s Sensible Kind of Unionism

On January 5, 2014, The Boston Globe published an article I wrote on its Opinion/Editorial pages. It has generated a lot of response. You can

Housing Goes Up

The housing recovery in Boston continues to move forward at a good clip.  Home  prices in the Boston area are up 10% from a year

Plumbing in a Time of Big Changes

Look at any of the magazines about our industry – Plumbing & Mechanical, Plumbing Engineer, Contractor – and you will quickly realize that our industry

Lead Free Law for Jan. ’14

New Lead-Free Regs: The new federal lead-free law goes into effect across the country on January 4. On that date, plumbers will need to install

Self-Healing Concrete

One of the latest developments in construction technology – concrete that can heal its own cracks. As reported in the MIT Technology Review, researchers are using